

Having hosted and co-organized more than 500 wedding ceremonies and large-scaled events, Oliver is widely experienced in being an emcee and performer. He has gained excellent reputation among his clients, including commercial brands, celebrities, artists, government departments, travel companies, primary and secondary schools, as well as charity organizations. His humor and professional magic tricks allow him to successfully create a lively atmosphere for different occasions.
曾合作客戶 (Clients):
- 卡地亞 Cartier
- 海洋公園 Ocean Park Hong Kong
- 中銀信用卡(國際)有限公司 BOC Credit Card
- 和記黃埔 Hutchison Whampoa Limited
- 中國五礦香港控股有限公司 China Minmetals Corporation
- 萬寧 Mannings
- 幸福醫藥 (幸福胃的素) Fortune Pharmacal
- 永安旅遊 Wing On Travel
- 皇家太平洋酒店 The Royal Pacific Hotel & Towers
- 澳門銀河酒店 Galaxy Macau
- 山頂廣場 The Peak Galleria
- 卡樂B Calbee
- 廉政公署 Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC)
- 香港電台 Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK)
- Festo Hong Kong
- 香港傷健協會 Hong Kong PHAB Association
- 香港愛護動物協會 SPCA(HK)
- 劉德華Fans Club Singer Andy Lau's Fans Club
- 藝穗默劇實驗室 Mime Lab
- 以勒基金 Jireh Fund
DorCho: Oliver很專業!!
Oliver很專業, 婚禮前會很細心同我地開會傾流程, 又俾好多有用的意見, 令到整個晚宴都好順暢, 搞氣氛方面更加要大讚, 個個賓客都同我地講番, 司儀做得好好, 講野幽默, 反應又快。除了司儀, Oliver仲係一個魔術師, 當晚為我地帶來超精彩的魔術, 全場都勁讚, 好多謝佢, 令我同老公有一個難忘的婚禮。